Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crown of flowers

I created my first design for someone this weekend. A friend was dressing as a Greek Godess for Halloween and her outfit would not have been complete without a crown of flowers. I had never before made anything like this, so I was completely clueless. I made a crude base with wire and covered my machanics with old baker fern from a previous arrangement. I wired a number of crysanthemums as I would have if they were corsages and attached them to the crown. It looked perfect! I ran across a number of problems, mainly not knowing how big to make it. I made it extra long so that I could just fold the back of the crown up after she put it on. It worked.

I made the crown on Saturday night, Tuedsay night I learned how to actually make one.. Great timing. Turns out that I was on the right track. Instead of greening the crown I covered the wire with floratape. Also, I didn't connect the back instead of making it extra long; it looked like a horseshoe. Then we tied it together in the back with ribbon (after I knew exactly how big to make it).

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