Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weekend Excursion

There is a store in the South End called Jacobson Floral Supply. They sell everything from a heart shaped foam form to a 50 gallon hot-pink vase. I went there a few months ago to pick up fancy lights to decorate my room. This weekend, I went there with a purpose. I was in search of floral foam, wire, plastic "vases", and tape. $80 later (ouch) and I had all of that plus a knife for use at home, since they are anti-knife in the studio, and two floral industry magazines. I've been going through them looking for inspiration and more information that I don't think I am going to be getting from Dr Steve. There are so many creative and beautiful arrangements that people are making! And soon, I'll be one of them.. I'll post a picture of my favorite.

More important than floral foam, if there is such a thing, is the woman that I met who works at Jacobson. Her name is Misty and she went through Rittner's 6 month program about 6 years ago. She gave me much needed advice and encouragement about the school and the program that I'm in. Apparently we will never move beyond daisies and carnations :( But, Misty's advice to me was to instead focus on the form and the methods. She showed me a number of designer examples that they had on the wall that were unique and inspired and related their basic form to something that I will learn in the next 12.5 weeks. She was so friendly, informative, and helpful; I'm grateful that she took the time to talk to me.

Funny image: Me carrying an enormous box of foam on the subway.. I'll upload a picture for that too. You'll laugh.. promise.

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